
Profit Guaranteed Project with 2+1 and 3+1 Apartments in Bağcılar, Istanbul

قائمة الاسعار




تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 9028
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • سعر يبدأ من $285,000
  • غرف 2+1, 3+1
  • الحمامات 1-2
  • حجم الملكية 78-156 m²
  • بنيت عام 2018
  • كتل المشروع الإجمالية 2
  • إجمالي شقق المشروع 550
  • إجمالي عدد طوابق المشروع 18
  • تدفئة النظام المركزي
  • أثاث مفروشة، مد، زود
  • رأي الطبيعة ، المدينة
  • شقق للبيع 100
  • مشروع بيع الشقق 350
  • المسافة إلى المطار 28

وصف المشروع

We present to your liking this wonderful project located in Bağcilar region of Istanbul and offering you a living space .

The project is one of the rare projects that includes a hotel. The high location value provided by its proximity to the E-5 and TEM highways, the metro and Istanbul Airport, which are the main transportation options of Istanbul; It offers high income potential to those who invest in this prestigious mixed project consisting of residences, offices and commercial units.
Also,Suitable for citizenship.Move-in Ready apartments for personal living and long-term renting.
While there are 550 residences, 44 offices and 27 commercial areas in the project; The size of the apartments, consisting of 2+1 and 3+1 apartments,  In the project rising as two towers with 18 and 22 floors; There is a SPA center, Fitness Center and indoor and outdoor parking lots.Starbucks, Migros, Restaurants pharmacies, and shops located within the project on ground floor.

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