
New Project with 1+1,2+1 and 3+1 Apartments in Beykoz,Istanbul

قائمة الاسعار




تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 8541
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • سعر يبدأ من $520,000
  • الحمامات 1-2
  • حجم الملكية 97-190 m²
  • بنيت عام 2023
  • كتل المشروع الإجمالية 3
  • إجمالي شقق المشروع 739
  • إجمالي عدد طوابق المشروع 31
  • مساحة الأرض 10000 m²
  • مجموع الطوابق 20 +
  • موقع مركز المدينة
  • شقق للبيع 639
  • مشروع بيع الشقق 100

وصف المشروع

Title Deed is ready 

Suitable for Citizenship

Delivery: Last Quarter of 2023

In our project, which has smart home technology and fiber optic infrastructure, you will have peace of mind with 24/7 building security. You will be able to host your guests comfortably with the 300-vehicle guest parking lot. You will feel comfortable with the central heating, cooling and hot water system. Multi split air conditioners in all rooms and living room, built-in white goods equipment in the kitchen; (oven, cooker, hood, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave oven, washer and dryer), Generator capable of meeting all the electricity needs of the building, Fingerprint and card access system to the parking lot, elevators and blocks, Special ventilated garbage room on the floors and garbage/service The elevator, the closed circuit camera system that monitors the building and its surroundings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week will take you to the heights of luxury.

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موسى يلدز

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