
LAKE TERRACE VİLLAGE. New Project with 1+1 Apartments, 2+1 Duplexes, 24 Houses and 9 Villas in Kargicak

قائمة الاسعار





تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 7704
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • حالة الملكية للبيع
  • سعر يبدأ من €125,000
  • غرف 1+1, 2+1
  • دوره المياه 1 - 4
  • حجم الملكية 10733 m²
  • بنيت عام 2024
  • رأي البحر والطبيعة والمدينة
  • موقع مركز المدينة
  • المسافة إلى الشاطئ 1800 m
  • المسافة إلى المطار 30 km

وصف المشروع

We are happy to present you our opportunity project in Kargicak!

It is for those who want to get citizenship in Turkey in Alanya region, which has unique beauties, where the visitor will want to come and live and enjoy.

Our complexes are a lake house project in Kargicak, which has a unique view of nature, sea and mountains.

In our project we set out with the motto of staying healthy and strong by using all social facilities together with a luxurious and unique nature view. Spend your time with comfort, luxury and smart infrastructure. Improve your health by using nature as a part of your life.

There will be 38 units of 2+1 duplexes, 8 units of  1+1 apartments, 24 lake houses and 9 villas.

Please, scroll the page down to learn more about project infrastructure.

معرض الصور


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