
HAYPARK HİLL. New Project with 1+1, 2+1 Apartments and 2+1, 3+1 Duplexes in Avsallar

قائمة الاسعار





تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 7620
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • حالة الملكية للبيع
  • سعر يبدأ من €110,000
  • غرف 1+1, 2+1, 3+1
  • دوره المياه 1 - 2
  • بنيت عام 2023
  • كتل المشروع الإجمالية 1
  • إجمالي شقق المشروع 54
  • إجمالي عدد طوابق المشروع 8
  • مساحة الأرض 4800 m²
  • رأي البحر والطبيعة والمدينة
  • موقع مركز المدينة
  • شقق للبيع 28
  • مشروع بيع الشقق 26
  • المسافة إلى الشاطئ 2.2 km
  • المسافة إلى المطار 95 km

وصف المشروع

We are glad to present you our comfortable and cozy complex on the Mediterranean coast near pine forests. In an ecologically clean, rapidly developing area of ​​Alanya, Avsallar. This is a resort area surrounded by the Taurus mountains.

The developed infrastructure of the area includes: banks, supermarkets, fitness centers, cafes and restaurants, kindergartens, schools, a medical center, pharmacies, etc.

Our complex is 2.2 km away from the sea. The total area of ​​the complex – 4800 m2. Construction will end in October 2023.

There will be 54 different flats in total, 1 block of 8 floors.  From the 4th floor you may have a sea view.

So, there are apartments 1+1 – 48 m² and 53 m², apartments 2+1 – 72 m², duplexes with garden 2+1 – 101, 127, 128 m², penthouses 2+1 – 109, 110 m², penthouses 2+1 – 109, 110 m², penthouses 3+1 – 154, 164 m².

Our apartments are rented out in a fine finish: American kitchen, built-in kitchen, flooring: laminate in the bedrooms, tiled flooring in the living room. Steel front doors with first class security, suspended ceilings with spotlights, washable paint on the walls, fully equipped bathrooms, double glazing, air conditioning in the hall, videophone, elevator call system from the apartment, fire alarm system.

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