
CADEN BEACH New Project close to the sea in Kargicak with 1+1 apartments and 2+1 duplexes with terrace

قائمة الاسعار



تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 17073
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • حالة الملكية للبيع
  • سعر يبدأ من €195,000
  • غرف 1+1, 2+1
  • دوره المياه 1
  • حجم الملكية 50 - 88 m²
  • بنيت عام 2023
  • كتل المشروع الإجمالية 1
  • إجمالي شقق المشروع 20
  • إجمالي عدد طوابق المشروع 5
  • مساحة الأرض 731 m²
  • رأي البحر والطبيعة والمدينة
  • موقع قريب من البحر
  • شقق للبيع 4
  • مشروع بيع الشقق 16
  • المسافة إلى الشاطئ 200 m
  • المسافة إلى المطار 32 km

وصف المشروع

We are happy to present you our new Project in Kargicak!

It is located just 217 meters from the Mediterranean Sea. This is an ecologically clean area, surrounded by the Taurus Mountains and coniferous forests on the one side and the Mediterranean Sea – on the other.

This Project is a unique opportunity to invest in luxury real estate overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, located on a plot of 731 m2 and consisting of 1 five-storey block and 20 different apartments, where internal social facilities will be equipped on the -1 floor, two commercial stores and 2 two-storey loft apartments with 2+1 layouts and an area of ​​68 m2. The second and third floors are occupied by 1+1 apartments with an area of ​​43.5 m2. On the fourth and fifth floors there will be 4 apartments – duplexes with their own terraces, layouts 2+1 and an area of ​​88 m2.

The territory of the complex will be decorated with green spaces and a well-groomed garden.

Proximity to the sea and the entire social infrastructure of the area of Kargıcak make the residential complex as a perfect investment both for renting out and for comfortable living, as well as for increasing your own funds due to the steady increase of real estate prices in the tourist area of Alanya.

Social Facilities: Swimming pool, Gym, Sauna, Steam room, Shower cabin, Dressing room, Jacuzzi, Kid’s mini club room, Barbecue area, Generator, Garden.

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