
ALLE GRANDE New Project with 1+1, 2+1 Apartments, 2+1 Duplexes, 1+1 Loft flats and 1+1 Garden flats in Avsallar

قائمة الاسعار






تفاصيل المشروع

  • معرف الخاصية 5517
  • نوع الملكية مشروع
  • حالة الملكية للبيع
  • سعر يبدأ من €131,000
  • غرف 1+1, 2+1
  • دوره المياه 1 - 2
  • حجم الملكية 55 - 110 m²
  • بنيت عام 2024
  • كتل المشروع الإجمالية 1
  • إجمالي شقق المشروع 48
  • إجمالي عدد طوابق المشروع 7
  • مساحة الأرض 2166 m²
  • رأي البحر والطبيعة والمدينة
  • موقع مركز المدينة
  • شقق للبيع 25
  • مشروع بيع الشقق 23
  • المسافة إلى الشاطئ 1400 m
  • المسافة إلى المطار 65 km

وصف المشروع

We are happy to present you our project! It will touch your life and make more valuable our city and region, because we offer you safe, comfortable and quality life here in Avsallar.

Avsallar is one of the most popular areas of Alanya. It will be a gorgeous project with its classical and modern design. It is located 110 km faway rom the Antalya airport and 65 km from the Gazipasa airport, 25 km away from the center of Alanya. All kinds of markets, school, banks, ATMs, hospitals and clinics, cafes and restaurants are in 10 minutes with walking. It is 1400 meters to the Avsallar beach and 10 minutes away from the world famous Incekum and Fugla beaches.

In our  complex we offer you a cozy, comfortable living space in the comfort of a hotel-concept where you can spend pleasant time.

Project Start Date : 01.08.2022
Project Completion Date 30.12.2024

Our project will be built on a 2.166 m² land , consists of 7 floors, 1 block, 48 flats in total.
35 units of 1+1 (55 m²)
2 units of 2+1 (110 m²)
2 units of 2+1 duplex (95 m²)
1 unit of 3+1 (165 m²)
5 units of 1+1 Loft flats (70 m²)
3 units of 1+1 Garden flats (55+35 m²)

We offer you 30% in advance and 48 monthly equal installments.
Commission payment plan:
Our prices include a 10% commission.
30% after the conclusion of the contract
30% after 6 months
40% after 1 year

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